The Quest to Kick Dry Hair to the Curb!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Good evening! So I'm going to get right to it: I have extremely DRY hair. Like super Sahara Desert dry hair. Since I started the journey to natural hair (I'm 4 months no relaxer, so proud of myself) I am noticing that my natural hair that is coming in is feeling extremely crunchy and brittle. So not a good look. When I was relaxed I had pretty dry hair so I can only imagine what lies ahead once the relaxed hair is completely gone. I'm currently rocking a sew in weave as a transitioning style, observe exhibit A:

Lmao please excuse the goofball face. I'm wearing a completely closed in sew in with a net underneath. The very back of my hair is left out which happens to be all new growth. My last relaxed do was a short asymetrical cut where the back was completely shaved down, hence why this part was left out. I've been very diligent about taking care of my hair underneath the weave. I'm been shampooing and conditioning 1x a week to maintain the freshness of the weave and have been moisturizing my hair underneath with a concotion of Shea Moisture Restorative conditioner, extra virgin olive oil mixed with African pride braid spray.
I moisturize my hair underneath the weave about every 2-3 days, sometimes more if I go to Zumba class which is a super sweaty workout that causes my scalp to dry out. By doing this I have severely cut back on having an itchy scalp and my hair underneath is doing pretty well. Now my hair in the back, edges and a totally different story. I've gotten in to the habit of moisturizing and sealing the hair that is left out in the morning and right before bed. I use Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer and usually seal with coconut oil. My hair is moisturized for about 2 hours, after that, its a done deal. I even switched it up and tried sealing with Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine which is a butter. Moisture maybe held up for about 3 hours Throughout the day my leave out hair gets crunchy and extremely dry and we all know what excessive dryness leads to: BREAKAGE! I refuse to deal with anymore breaking hair.

So I'm thinking, I need a new moisturizer. The Elasta QP Mango Butter is ok, its not bad, but its not doing the job I need it to do. I really don't know what else it could be. I drink a ton of water every day and I know thats the key to hydration. I'm sad because it smells so good and I really wanted to like this product. But I need to listen to my hair. So I've been doing a lot of reasearch on good moisturizers for natural dry hair and I settled on 2. The first is Qhemet Biologics Amla & Olive Heavy Cream.

I've read excellent reviews on this product stating it retains moisture in the hair for days (days?!). The biggest complaint I've read is that its too heavy. Honestly, I think this is what my hair needs, something thick and heavy thats gonna keep in the good stuff. I've always had super thick hair that drinks up products so I think this may do me some good. Qhemet Biologics is also all natural and has great ingredients. The downside is the products are made to order and shipping can take awhile. The second moisturizer I chose I was not even going to give the time of the day because I don't care for the company, yet I kept reading great reviews on how moisturizing it is. That product is Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme. So...I've never tried any Miss Jessie's products but from what I have seen they are super overpriced. Their largest jar of Baby Buttercreme which is 16 ounces is $58....for some hair moisturizer?? And what makes it worse is it has mineral oil and petrolatum in it, two ingredients found in damn near every black hair product that happens to be not so good for your hair. But I'm going to form my own opinion and try it. I ordered the little travel size 2 ounce jar which is only $9 bucks (Thats more like it).

So reviews are coming soon on these products, whenever they decide to arrive to my house. I think I'm going to try each for 2 weeks and see how they stack up against each other. Hopefully my search for lush moisturized hair will end here. Do you have any tips and tricks on maintaining moisturized hair?


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